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Satisfaction Guaranteed
Transform Your Income Statement
and Optimize Your NOI.
Turn static excel statements into dynamic dashboards built by an Asset Manager for Asset Managers.
​Over 20 Financial and Operational Metrics:
Economic Occupancy
In-Place Effective Rent
Concession Weeks
NOI Margin
Debt Service Coverage Ratio
Bad Debt % of Revenue
Gross Damages % of Turnover
Turnover Cost per Moveout
Utility Rebill %
Management Fee % of Revenue
+ Dozens More...
Bring Your Portfolio's Occupancy & Leasing to Life.
We integrate with your Pricing Platform and PMS to give you real time Occupancy & Leasing metrics at a unit level:
Daily Occupancy
Effective Tradeout
Gross Tradeout
Rent Per Square Foot
Daily Lease Velocity
Renewal Retention
+ Dozens More...
Unit Availability Like You've Never Had Before
Turn your Unit Availability into a powerful competitive advantage to optimize:
Forecasted Tradeout
Stale Units
Unit Amenities
Daily Price Movement
+ Dozens More...